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The Post after the Final Post

November 21, 2012

Two things have come up that prompted me to reach out again.

1) I’m moving forward on the Cluster Ballooning project.  If you have not read my last few entries, you had better get up to speed.  If you would like to follow along, go to the new blog thing – or whatever you call it:  Lawn Chair Pilots.  Way better if you sign up to follow, as the action will come in major spurts.  Not likely to use this blog again.

2) I am putting my Most Excellent PCT Adventure into a single document.  Basically this journal, the missing photos, all the drafts I never published, more of the characters and musings, the equipment list for you nerds, plus maybe one or two spelling and grammar corrections.   Right now it’s at 400 pages, mostly photos.  I’ll make it freely available via download or on a CD.  The only tricks are: how are you going to find me or know when it’s ready?

We have a Facebook page for the Next Big Adventure:  Lawn Chair Pilots.  Facebook for an Old Guy, can you believe it!   Never thought you’d see that happen, did you?

Joe – no longer Yeti – I’ve gained back 8 lbs- B.




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  1. Hi Joe,

    Amazing adventure and I was a secret admirer after Neal told me! Wow… and congratulations!
    I am totally looking forward to your next big adventure. And hey, why not publish a book. ;p

    Cheers to the Yeti.


  2. Ardis Zidan permalink

    HI Joe – as a long time enthusiast of your adventures, I would be delighted to be a part of your next in any way I can be helpful (assuming I’m not trotting the globe somewhere!). Don’t know if you received my earlier comments to your PCT posts – but was marveling, empathizing, laughing, and yes, gasping in horror sometimes, but following you all the way. It was a treat!

  3. Vincent Barbera permalink

    Hi Joe, you can easily publish your adventures in short-story format. once you have completed your journal, you can then condense it into a short story, and further reduce it into a magazine article which serves as a guidepost to your short story. I read many articles daily from professional journals for my school, and although in a different area, for sure there is one for adventure hiking.

    Good writing!


  4. Joe, the actress Katee Sackhoff who plays Starbuck in Battlestar Gallactica is from Portland, Oregon. She seems like the kind of person who would probably enjoy your ten day PCT hike in August. Do you ever see her around town?

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